Booking Enquiry Booking Enquiry First Name * Last Name * Email * Mobile Phone * Address, State, PostCode Are you a returning guest to Bluewater Marina? No, first timeYes-- Please Select -- Estimated arrival Date Estimate Arrival time 00:0001:0002:0003:0004:0005:0006:0007:0008:0009:0010:0011:0012:0013:0014:0015:0016:0017:0018:0019:0020:0021:0022:0023:00 Approx length of stay Will you be Living on Board Leaving the Boat here Vessel Details Vessel Name Vessel Registration Vessel Type * Mono-Hull Multi-Hull Vessel Draft * Vessel Beam * Vessel Length Overall (not waterline length) Number of People on board Shore Power Vessel Insurance (compulsory and supplied prior/on arrival) Current Will be emailing Upload insurance details (if available) Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 15MB Anything further you need from us during your stay Captcha Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.